Yesterday marked a huge day in history and I can undoubtedly say that for the first time in eight years, I am proud to be an American again. I'm also proud of this country for the change they have voted for and the new ideals set forth for us.
The first step to serving this country has already happened--America voted for change. America, once again, has begun to take what Democracy means seriously--and to take ourselves seriously, again. At this time, the words uttered by John F. Kennedy years ago ring truer and louder than ever: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
I hope you read and take seriously the words in the attached speeches. I hope you believe in change. I hope you are inspired to read more speeches by great leaders and find inspiration and pride in them. I hope you are committed to putting behind us the unfortunate events the past eight years brought and the challenges those years have also created for our country. I hope you share your commitment to change this country with others. Together, I know we can do what it takes to make this country strong, proud and vibrant once again. Yes we can!!!!!
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