I made a business decision yesterday that is going to dramatically increase Red Canary's ability to communicate with our clients in addition allowing us to work more efficiently: I made the decision to test-pilot a "smart phone" and transitioned from my regular cell phone--after a lot of encouragement from colleagues--to a Blackberry.
Now that I've had my Blackberry Curve a couple of days, I'm finding the communication device transition exciting. I'm eagerly awaiting equipping everyone at Red Canary with one.
I am discovering, during this technological learning curve, several ways Blackberries can benefit Red Canary's staff--or any staff for that matter.
Some features inclued: The ability to synchronize calendars (from Outlook, Gmail and Blackberry), write memos and keep your calendar at your fingertips. (If you don't have an outlook or other calendar to synchronize, there is a calendar application on the Blackberry.) Other features included are: Web browsing, instant access to Google, map applications and networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace--not to mention an easy-to-use keypad.
The feature I'm truly excited about is the ability to synchronize our redcanarypainting@gmail.com email address to the Blackberry--I am notified when a new email pops into our inbox, allowing the ability to have almost instant communication with customers. As soon as I figure out all of the features I'm going to be able to provide instant information and communication with clients.
So, here we go . . . embarking upon a new technological journey and excited about the possibilities a hand-held device offers for a painting business like Red Canary to improve customer service and response time. We look forward to serving you better.
-Shena Blomgren, Owner, Red Canary