We are proud to announce we are sponsoring the meal for the Engel Memorial Benefit in Fredericksburg, IA. The event, sponsored by the Fredericksburg High School Class of 1993 will be held at The Office (located on Main Street/Hwy 18). Cory Ball, owner of The Office, will be sponsoring the DJ for the event being held from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm on June 27th, with music beginning at 7:00 pm.
The establishment of the Engel Memorial was in response to a community-minded donation for the Engel Family from the class of 1993 after the loss of Jamie's father. In lieu of a perishable gift of flowers, we decided to make good-will donations to the Hospice Care in Mason City, IA, where Mr. Engel and his family were cared for during the final days of his life.
The Engel Memorial and The Class of 1993 would additionally like to extend our donations from the benefit as charitable gifts in memory of Michael Funk's and Andrew's Schult's fathers at this year's event. Andrew Schult and Michael Funk, graduates of the Fredericksburg Class of 1993, recently lost their fathers, also.
Please join us on June 27th to celebrate the live's of these men that many knew. We will have a hog-roast social from 5-8 pm with a DJ starting at 7:00. Join us for some of Steve's BBQ (along with other side dishes) . . . we will be accepting good-will donations for your free meal with proceeds donated to Hospice Care of NE Iowa. For more information, check out the Engel Memorial Group on Facebook or email us at redcanarypainting@gmail.com.