Wednesday, December 2, 2009

From Shena's Desk: Website Problems

In the process of renewing our domain name,, some technical issues have occurred. Currently, we are unable to add new photos of our work to our site. So, if you're a client waiting to see photos of your project uploaded to our site, please be patient.
For several years, we have used Webs as our sitebuilder,, with great success and we hope to have this technical issue resolved soon. We cannot wait to post new pictures!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

From Shena's Desk: Improving Customer Service

I made a business decision yesterday that is going to dramatically increase Red Canary's ability to communicate with our clients in addition allowing us to work more efficiently: I made the decision to test-pilot a "smart phone" and transitioned from my regular cell phone--after a lot of encouragement from colleagues--to a Blackberry.
Now that I've had my Blackberry Curve a couple of days, I'm finding the communication device transition exciting. I'm eagerly awaiting equipping everyone at Red Canary with one.
I am discovering, during this technological learning curve, several ways Blackberries can benefit Red Canary's staff--or any staff for that matter.
Some features inclued: The ability to synchronize calendars (from Outlook, Gmail and Blackberry), write memos and keep your calendar at your fingertips. (If you don't have an outlook or other calendar to synchronize, there is a calendar application on the Blackberry.) Other features included are: Web browsing, instant access to Google, map applications and networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace--not to mention an easy-to-use keypad.
The feature I'm truly excited about is the ability to synchronize our email address to the Blackberry--I am notified when a new email pops into our inbox, allowing the ability to have almost instant communication with customers. As soon as I figure out all of the features I'm going to be able to provide instant information and communication with clients.
So, here we go . . . embarking upon a new technological journey and excited about the possibilities a hand-held device offers for a painting business like Red Canary to improve customer service and response time. We look forward to serving you better.
-Shena Blomgren, Owner, Red Canary

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Did it Just Snow Saturday in Madison, WI and the Painting Still Isn't Done? Now What?

Yes, it's true, it snowed Saturday here in Madison, WI (thankfully nothing stuck!) Summer really came and went and Winter is truly around the corner. If you didn't get those painting projects crossed off your To-Do List by now, here are some helpful hints:

1. Immediately tackle exterior projects that need maintenance first. (Cracked, peeling paint and/or bare wood.) Even with the cooler Autumn temperatures, several paint manufacturers make latex paints that can be used down to 44 degrees. Ask your local paint store for details.

2. If you didn't have a chance to seal or stain your deck, it's probably too late if you live in the Midwest--be sure to schedule this work first thing next Spring . . . in most cases, maintenance is worth it versus the cost of replacement (unless replacement is absolutely necessary).

3. Aesthetically speaking about the exterior of your home: Instead of painting the whole house, paint trim or accent pieces that can add a fresh look to your home for the upcoming holiday season. (Schedule the entire repaint for early next Spring--be the first on your painter's list of exterior projects!)

4. Check the condition of caulking around windows and doors. Where caulking is in poor condition, remove and replace with a fresh bead of caulk--this will help keep drafts out.

5. Go ahead and move forward with interior painting projects: Several low and no VOC paints are on the market that makes painting in the winter possible--you shouldn't even have to open a window! Using a dehumidifier and/or an air purifier also helps when painting indoors in the winter to keep humidity levels lower and contain paint smells.
(VOC's are Volatile Organic Compounds--the harmful smelly compounds released from many products including paints and household cleaners.)
For more information about low temperature and earth-friendly paints, contact your local paint store. In the Madison, WI area, McGovern and Sons, Hallman Lindsay, Premier Paint and Paper, and Sherwin Williams carry the painting products you and your painter need to meet all of your painting project needs.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Product Review: ben flat paint by Benjamin Moore

We are excited to share with you one of our newest favorite products from Benjamin Moore: ben. On a recent trip to the paint store to pick up supplies for a project, I was introduced to the ben paint line on a suggestion from Terry McGovern.
Per Terry's suggestion, we used ben (flat) to paint a living room. A little leary of trying a new product, the paint crew, after working with it for a little while, commented on how impressed they were with not only the coverage one coat provided but the user-friendliness of the paint: Truly excellent application properties!
Besides being friendly to work with, the flat finish is perfect for low-traffic areas and ceilings--it is easy to touch-up, has good hide, is spatter-resistant when used with a proper roller-nap, and, best of all, ben is low odor and low VOC (even after it has been tinted) and cleans up easily with soap and water.
An "acrylic blended latex flat coating," ben premium flat interior latex paint is designed for application to many interior surfaces, producing a uniform finish. Although we used ben (flat) on previously painted walls, ben (flat), according to the manufacturer, is suitable for application to: New or previously painted wallboard, masonry or wallpapered surfaces, primed or previously painted plaster, wood or metal, new or coated accoustical ceilings.
(Remember to properly prepare all surface before painting. For surfaces that require priming before painting, ben has a primer, too.)
In addition to flat, Ben is also available in eggshell and semi-gloss sheens. Both of these sheens are washable. Plus, all ben products are tintable with any of Benjamin Moore's colors--even the primer can be tinted.
Although an opportunity has not presented itself for us to work with the eggshell or semi-gloss, we are extremely impressed with the flat. We highly recommend ben (flat) for your next ceiling project or to add a soft finish in a low-traffic area, such as a bedroom.

From Shena's Desk . . .

Greetings! After a hectic week and a rainy, dreary Friday, this slow-moving evening seemed the perfect opportunity to put the pen back to the paper--so to speak.
I'm excited to say that our summer has been filled with a variety of projects--interior and exterior. In the upcoming weeks, I will be updating our website with photos of our latest "masterpieces." We'll be sure to Twitter an update!
I will also be working on updating The Chirp on a regular basis, sharing the news about products we are using, projects we are working on and other general articles of interest. There is so much to share!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Fall Painting Special

Mid-July, the weather has been colder than average. The pepper plants in my garden are small. Makes us folks here in Wisconsin wonder whether it's summer or the beginning of October . . . and it also reminds us here at Red Canary about our Fall Painting Specials!
Schedule your project with us by August 21st for completion during the months of September, October or November and receive a 10% discount* on painting services. With the many brands of low and no VOC paints on the market, painting during the cold months here in the Midwest is as easy as a Summer breeze! Call us today for details.
*Some restrictions apply.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hog Roast Social Planned

We are proud to announce we are sponsoring the meal for the Engel Memorial Benefit in Fredericksburg, IA. The event, sponsored by the Fredericksburg High School Class of 1993 will be held at The Office (located on Main Street/Hwy 18). Cory Ball, owner of The Office, will be sponsoring the DJ for the event being held from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm on June 27th, with music beginning at 7:00 pm.

The establishment of the Engel Memorial was in response to a community-minded donation for the Engel Family from the class of 1993 after the loss of Jamie's father. In lieu of a perishable gift of flowers, we decided to make good-will donations to the Hospice Care in Mason City, IA, where Mr. Engel and his family were cared for during the final days of his life.

The Engel Memorial and The Class of 1993 would additionally like to extend our donations from the benefit as charitable gifts in memory of Michael Funk's and Andrew's Schult's fathers at this year's event. Andrew Schult and Michael Funk, graduates of the Fredericksburg Class of 1993, recently lost their fathers, also.

Please join us on June 27th to celebrate the live's of these men that many knew. We will have a hog-roast social from 5-8 pm with a DJ starting at 7:00. Join us for some of Steve's BBQ (along with other side dishes) . . . we will be accepting good-will donations for your free meal with proceeds donated to Hospice Care of NE Iowa. For more information, check out the Engel Memorial Group on Facebook or email us at

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

NEW Artist on Staff!

We are proud to announce and welcome a new addition to our Red Canary Staff!
Jeff Olsen, Portrait Artist and Muralist, has accepted our offer to become our full-time mural artist for commercial and residential projects.
Jeff's resume is impressive: In addition to traveling abroad and nationally, working as an artist, he has also studied at several art schools across the country. Among them, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia.
Jeff has also worked in Las Vegas, painting a series of Mural's for a whole-foods grocery chain in addition to coordinating on projects with the highly accomplished Dutch decorative painter Peiter de Liagre Bohl.
Watch our website for the addition of Jeff's work--the page is currently being constructed and should be posted, soon. During the meanwhile, if you wish to learn more about our mural and decorative painting services, please send us an email with your inquiry to .

Monday, May 4, 2009

Social Networking . . . We have it covered!

From Shena's Desk:

Connecting is so easy these days . . . with all of the social networking tools out there--from Facebook and LinkedIn to twittering and all the other social networking tools I do not use . . . If one has a computer, one can "travel!"

Personally, I've always been a social person (extrovert, high-sapphire) and this form of networking--especially while I am in my mid-thirties and in the throws of my career and personal/family growth--is extremely exciting, interesting, and useful to me. (Not to mention my days as a Communication Arts student at Wartburg College fuel this dabbling in social media.)

In lieu of social networking here at the Red Canary, we have created several exciting ways for you to connect with Red Canary. Check it out! Join a group, become a fan, or follow our Twitter!

On Facebook: We have two groups: Our most popular: Red Canary Painted my House. Professional Group: The official Red Canary LLC group. (Search for either in Facebook Groups.) Additionally, we have an official Red Canary LLC Business Listing--look for it on your friends' pages. Our Greenpainters group is also featured on Facebook.

On LinkedIn: We have two groups: Our most popular: Red Canary Painted my House and the official Red Canary LLC group (both sites cross-post). In addition, our Greenpainters group is also featured on LinkedIn. (These groups are professional mirrors the Facebook groups.)

On Twitter: Tweet! Tweet! Yes, Twittering. Red Canary just became a Twitterer on May 1, 2009! Here, I'll be posting tidbits and sidebars, things I'm doing personally and so forth . . . follow our Twitter! (Our Twitter feeds are also posted via live-feed at the bottom of this blog.)

Well, connect, connect, connect! With so many ways, it's easy to connect and stay in touch--personally and professionally. In conclusion regarding Red Canary's social networking, check out our groups, get useful tips, ask us questions, see what others are saying and what I'm doing day to day on Twitter . . . all from the convenience of your desk . . . or coffee house . . . or work . . . or wherever! With our heads spinning with ways to connect plugged-in style, the next time you're on one of the above networking groups, look for one of ours!
Take care. Peace and love, my friends . . . Shena

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Red Canary is now Twittering! Tweet! Tweet!

Yes, folks, it's true . . . Red Canary is now on Twitter! For your convenience, we have two different options for following our twittering . . . either follow the feed at the bottom of this page or go to our twitter site: Tweet! Tweet!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ways to Go Green this Spring

Way #1 to Go Green this Spring: Attend Isthmus Green day at the Monona Terrace. See and experience many ways to be green.

Isthmus Green Day ~ Saturday April 25, 2009

9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Interested in what you can do to live a greener lifestyle? Pack a schedule full of ideas for living green at the Isthmus Green Day.

Approximately 140 vendors will be on hand--from food and drink, home and garden, and transportation to health and alternative healing.

There will also be live entertainment, dynamic speakers and green activities for children.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Spring Fever

With the coming of Spring also brings the longing for newness . . . which is why many people begin thinking about painting in the spring. Once the snow melts, the toll on the exterior is evident after yet another winter; after staring at the same walls all winter long, it's time to brighten the room with a new color.

Here at Red Canary, we're not any different and have been longing for Spring ourselves. Our way of brightening things while having a bit of "spring fever" was to give a fresh look to our website. We were tired of staring at the same template all winter long.

Go to to see the new template . . . .if you have any comments, feel free to email us your thoughts at . . . and remember: Think Spring!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Product Info: Aura Affinity Paint

The last couple of years, Red Canary has been working witht the learning curve of Aura Affinity Paint produced by Benjamin Moore. This is a self-priming product (on most surfaces) and it is also a low VOC product that has the ability for one-coat coverage.

For most projects, one-coat coverage can be achieved. As a painter, however, I prefer the richer visual appeal of two coats (any lap marks tend to be "removed" or become less noticeable [remember, lap marks are not always 100% avoidable with any product]), especially on new drywall or walls that are being painted for the first time since the buider painted the home (these surfaces can act like dry sponges, absorbing the paint unevenly).

The self-priming side is both a benefit and a downfall: If you get the paint on trim or any other surfaces while painting, you will want to clean it up immediately. Cleaning dried and cured "oopses" from this paint takes some elbow grease and it also settles in any knotting or graining in trim (as any paint would), making it nearly impossible to completely remove any pigment.
And the low VOC aspect, well, that just goes without saying. Aura is a high-quality, low VOC paint that is friendly for the homeowner, pets, painters and earth.

Additionally, the color selections in the Aura color deck are fabulous and Red Canary has used them to decorate many homes. They are colors that cannot be found in any other paint line, nor can they be matched in any other paint product. Undoubtedly, this is a one-of-a-kind paint that cannot be bought in just any hardware store. If you live in the Madison Metro, your local reputable dealer is McGovern & Sons on Odana Road.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Challenging Wallpaper Removal with Happy Ending

Wallpaper and the "joys" of the removal process: Anyone ever experiencing the "joys" of wallpaper removal will often think twice about considering choosing wallpaper--or even wallpaper borders--as a wall treatment again. Sometimes, the paper comes down without a hitch; at other times, the process of paper removal can be challenging.

For quite a bit, Red Canary has been using Wallwik Wallpaper Remover to remove paper. After years of struggling with other products and vowing to never remove paper again after each project was completed, I found Wallwik--the wonder of all paper removers! For many paper removal projects, the Wallwik was a true super hero when battling difficult paper removal projects. Then, it happened: The Wallwik met its kryptonite!!!

This time, although we tried and tried with the help of Wallwik, we were losing the battle against the paper--it refused to budge. Not one single bit. At this point, we put plan B into action and used a steamer to remove the paper. Well, tried to remove the paper.

Even though steamers tend to work when all else fails, the wallpaper continued to win--with every strip of paper we removed, we also removed the paper coating from the drywall. Not good. Wallwik didn't work. Steamer didn't work. Now what?

Painting over wallpaper is not recommended (yet is sometimes unavoidable). Removing and replacing drywall may not be an option. When faced with this situation, what steps can a homeowner take? The most feasible answer is to put the new wall treatment over top of the wallpaper after a few simple steps.

In our removal "nightmare" described above, we had to first assess the project: The walls had been scored and damage had been done to the drywall from the attempted paper removal. Areas where the walls were scored were sanded. We then repaired drywall damages caused by the removal attempts and used a spackling compound to seal seams around borders and other imperfections. A bonding primer was used to seal all surfaces. At this point, the wallpapered surface is ready for a new application: paint, paper or texture.

This project is a perfect example of the negative saying that goes something like "if it can go wrong, it will go wrong," which pretty much dooms everything. But everything that COULD go wrong, DID go wrong and we were unable to remove the paper. This situation, however, led to some ingenuity and putting creativity forward to find a suitable solution to our decorating challenge. All was not lost and a unique space will be created for the homeowners.

(Our solution for this project: A decorative plaster wall treatment created from a skimcoat of plaster applied to all the walls. The decorative finish will then be painted and possibly be treated with glaze applications--sample boards are in progress!)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Apples to Apples

So you've decided to hire a professional painter to paint the interior or exterior of your home--perhaps even just a small accent wall.

You've done your homework to hire a great painter: You've searched Craigslist, Angie's List, LinkedIn, and asked friends and families for referrals. As recommended, you have gathered three estimates and had face-to-face meetings with the painters . . . now you are ready to make an important decision as to whom to hire . . .the decision should be easy, right?

Commonly, when hiring a painter, pricing is usually the deciding factor. A painter is a painter, after all, right? And regardless of price, all painters adhere to the same standards of quality and service, right? Thinking this, the choice seems simple: Hire the painter with the lowest bid, save a few bucks . . . how can one go wrong with a great deal?

Unfortunately, all home-improvement contractors, including painters, are not equal in quality and service. Consequently, decision making in the construction industry based solely on price can lead to pitfalls and to costly future expenses--and a good price isn't always the best deal. Even if painters are "in the ballpark" with each other, one's service may surpass that of another.

With all this being said, hiring a painter based on price is like buying a Pinto and expecting it to perform like a Porsche--a car is a car, after all, right? With that being said, wouldn't we all rather drive a Porsche over a Pinto?

(Look at it this way: Would you be willing to skip your next appointment with your stylist because the salon down the road is offering a $20.00 cut and color special? When the average labor rate for your mechanic is $85.00, would you trust your vehicle to a mechanic only charging $25.00? Although tempting, you'll probably forgo saving a buck in these areas--and you would most likely question why the price is so low . . . you wouldn't trust your hair or vehicle to just anyone! So, why would you trust the appearance of your home to just anyone?)

So, to save you headaches (and money) in the future, when comparing painters, consider other factors in addition to price. Instead of focusing on price, consider if the services are congruent with the price. Simply put, compare apples to apples.

The best way to compare is to read carefully what is stated in the bid. Look for a thourough bid, including a complete description of services to be provided: Is a supply estimate included in the bid? Will the painter pick up the paint for you, or are you expected to provide the paint? Will you be able to choose the brand of paint to use, or does the painter only use one brand? Does the painter only use flat paint? (Do you have a choice of sheen?) Is color consulting included, or do you need to seek out a professional to assist with the color decision?Does the estimate include minor repair work? What warranties and guarantees are provided?

Other points to consider: Is the painter pet-friendly? How about kid-friendly? Elderly parent friendly? Would you feel comfortable having this person in your home for several days or weeks? Have you called the references provided by the painter and read client testimonials? Did you check out their website and see examples of their work? Will the painter be there for you, if needed, once the project is completed?

On a final note, the most important thing to remember is to find someone you can easily work with, someone that will understand your needs and turn your decorating ideas into a beautiful finished product and provide you with exceptional service. Besides, if the painter you really like is priced a little out of your budget, you can always ask them if they will be competitive with other bids you have collected. Remember: Apples to apples.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Red Canary LLC is offering a 5% early bird discount for all spring and summer projects scheduled during February. Avoid the seasonal rush . . . put your project on the calendar today!
*discount applies to labor only

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

From Shena's Desk

Yesterday marked a huge day in history and I can undoubtedly say that for the first time in eight years, I am proud to be an American again. I'm also proud of this country for the change they have voted for and the new ideals set forth for us.
The first step to serving this country has already happened--America voted for change. America, once again, has begun to take what Democracy means seriously--and to take ourselves seriously, again. At this time, the words uttered by John F. Kennedy years ago ring truer and louder than ever: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
I hope you read and take seriously the words in the attached speeches. I hope you believe in change. I hope you are inspired to read more speeches by great leaders and find inspiration and pride in them. I hope you are committed to putting behind us the unfortunate events the past eight years brought and the challenges those years have also created for our country. I hope you share your commitment to change this country with others. Together, I know we can do what it takes to make this country strong, proud and vibrant once again. Yes we can!!!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Before we know it . . .

Before we know it, spring will be here . . . I know it's hard to imagine, especially as I'm writing this I'm watching the snow fall . . . with thoughts of warmer days ahead in mind, take the time you have while stuck inside on these snow days to make a list of all of the exterior projects you wish to complete: from landscaping to planting gardens, putting up utility sheds and beyond.

Since spring is typically the beginning of the busy season for many contractors, you can start planning exterior projects now. Arranging bids for certain projects will allow you to take more time selecting landscapers, carpenters, painters or builders for your projects, in addition to allowing more time for planning and design.

Is painting or staining the outside of your home on that list? Perhaps you like the colors of your home and so you didn't put it on the list . . . but if you have wood siding, painting may is purposeful for the protection of your largest investment--your home.

If you haven't painted or stained the exterior of your home for ten years or more, the time to consider doing so is now. Cracking or peeling paint allows water to seep into the siding of your home, damaging the wood and creates entry areas for pests. Not only does a fresh paint job update your home but it also protects your investment.

Good luck planning your summer projects. With thoughts of warm weather in mind and daydreams of our lush green yards and the smell of dew on the grass in the morning, let's think spring! And start planning for summer . . .